Gorka Discusses US National Security

18-01-29 , some are nationalists, some are jihadists. But all of then are anti-western, anti-American...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 legend says that in order to help people, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and vegetation, and then he...

  Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 thunder and the loud commotion of a mudslide. Zhong Ziqi had no problem recognizing all these things, just...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 side as male and the right side as female seems to have permeated all aspects of people's daily...

China Is Having Its Own #MeToo Moment

18-01-21 bureaucracy, to the education field, to all citizens, it has had a very bad influence,” Liu said.Furthermore...

Protecting the Environment Is China’s Latest Excuse to Bully Taiwanese Businesses

18-01-21 beaten by local mafia, and ensnared in local political infighting — all this without any form of legal...

  Seeing the Buddha

18-01-12 would have all their illnesses and sufferings eliminated, and all tribulations and vexations resolved....

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 Yue Fei asked her behind a screen. "All my family members wear cotton clothes and eat simple...

Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 1)

18-01-09 chase after the defeated enemy, Emperor Gaozong and Qin Hui ordered all of the Song troops to return....

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08 Head of Officials, which put him in charge of all officials in the imperial court. Li Zong'e (964...


17-12-29 Upcoming Movie:*《金钱世界》 All the Money in the World本片改编自上世纪70年代一起真实的、曾轰动世界的豪门绑架事件。由金奖国际名导雷德利·斯科特执导;《当地球停止转动...

纽约“复兴学校”计划后 21校提升

17-12-22 还会接受复兴学校计划的支持;并将配备新的“计算机计划(Computer Science for All)”、“数学计划(Algebra for All)”、大学预修课(AP)以及给小学校的“所有人识字...

By Snatching Up British Company, China Closes Gap on US Naval Supremacy

17-12-23 that all the applications envisioned by Department of Defense and the industry are now served by IGBTs....

  Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 1)

17-12-23 complete, he fell ill. All treatments failed. He was bedridden and passed away. People figured that this...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory on Health (Part 2)

17-12-23 all dear..."  This short paragraph is a clear representation of Sun Simiao's noble character...


17-12-23 公司出的餐厅玩具组合(Star Diner Restaurant Play Set)。戈达德学校的行政顾问丁得(Laura Dinder)表示,一个好的教育玩具 能够鼓励孩子进行游戏和互动,并促进创造力...

Australian Intelligence Identifies Local Politicians With Suspect China Ties

17-12-17 government to influence opinions in Australia.“In Australia, it seems there’s no limitation at all, the...

In China, A Successful AIDS Lawsuit Stands in Contrast to the State’s Treatment of AIDS Patients

17-12-17 detained, and all of the lawyers who used to stand up for us are being taken off [such cases] for a variety...

  Emperor Kangxi - A Master of Pen and Sword

17-12-15 Dictionary, Kangxi Yongnian Ephemeris, Emperor Kangxi and All Maps. More than twenty thousand volumes of...


17-12-13 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1.本周新片速递 Upcoming Movie This Week:*《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》 Star Wars VIII: The Last...

  Revelations from Shang Shu (Part 2)

17-12-08 declined to change. He surrounded himself with lewdness and entertainment, sacrificing all his majesty. His...


17-12-02 made an insightful observation, "I have experienced all kinds of things in the world, and I have...

Chinese Artist Draws Cartoon About China’s Kindergarten Abuse That Resonates With Netizens

17-12-02 Guo’s cartoon, reposted by retired Chinese tennis star Li Na. (Screenshot via Weibo)Allegations of...

Revelations from Shang Shu (Part 1)

17-12-02 does not understand the nature of Heaven and does not observe the law. Now all of the people wish to...

Former Clinton Foundation Executive Tied to Chinese Kindergartens Investigated for Child Abuse

17-12-02 self-inspection across all teaching facilities.”Beijing police are investigating claims that children were...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 2)

17-11-25 effect all regarded moral character and good deeds with primary importance, and they regulated and...

Western Universities Are Getting Chinese Communist Party Organizations on Campus—in China and at Home

17-11-25 Within its borders, a recent directive from the Ministry of Education is requiring all...

Pop Music Is Okay, but No Politics: Communist China Bans Katy Perry for Expressing her Opinions—With a Dress

17-11-25 Gigi Hadid, Julia Belyakova, Kate Grigorieva, and Irina Sharipova have all been banned from entering...

A Virtuous Emperor During the Zhenguan Period

17-11-24 in the autumn). In September of the following year, all 290 prisoners returned. During the Zhenguan...


17-11-21 ) Golden Star Buffet店举办感恩节 答谢员工餐会,近百位员工和客户欢聚一堂,欢声笑语,热闹非凡。年轻帅气,来自乌兹别克斯坦共和国(Uzbekistan)的乐康公司老板Slav Shparaga...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 1)

17-11-21 that one's fate, whether it be misfortune or blessings, were all connected to karma, and all...

James O’Keefe: A Truth Seeker in an Age of Media Bias

17-11-20 political objective and all means necessary to achieve that objective. That’s it.”Within the postmodernist...

Mistress Classes and Mistress Dispellers the Latest Trends in China’s Marriages

17-11-20 who doesn’t want to change. If you don’t change, men will. After all the hard work, do you want to...

Yan Shu: A Faithful and Sincere Person

17-11-21 at peace, so all officials were allowed to indulge in entertainment. All restaurants and taverns were...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 2)

17-11-11 , “If this rain doesn’t stop, all the people near the river will be devastated.” His father told him...

McDonald’s New Name in China Draws Ridicule

17-11-11 catchphrase on Chinese social media: “Child, your uncle is not the uncle you have known all these years. But...

The Monk Who Overslept

17-11-11 seven days to live. If he died while sleeping all the time, his death would bring him unhappiness....


17-11-10 (Reg $ 379),伟易达数字视频婴儿监视器$ 89.99(Reg.99.99美元),多件装Star Wars和Marvel40%折扣。 11月6日23:59,预交易即可在 Target.com...


17-11-09 砍下这棵树,预计11月11日(周六)到达曼哈顿的洛克菲勒中心。届时,如往年一样,也将用5000只锂灯装饰这棵圣诞树,最顶端依然会放上“施华洛世奇世纪之星”(Swarovski Star)。而11月29日...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 1)

17-11-03 magistrate, Jingyang was in the midst of a flood and farmers with low-lying farms lost all their crops. He...